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The Credit Game - Canadian Credit & Debt Services

The credit Game


The "Credit Guy"

I didn’t grow up wanting to be the “Credit Guy” and help Canadians fix your credit but here we are.

In 2012, I published the best-selling book, The Nine Rules Credit. I wrote the book because I was tired of seeing Canadians being declined or charged higher interest rates just because no one had taught them the rules to the Credit Game. When the book came out people kept on saying, “The book is great but can you just fix it for me”? After studying thousands of credit reports and figuring out how I could get direct and exclusive access to Equifax and TransUnion, I decided to leave the highest funding mortgage team in Canada to focus on my passion full-time.

It may not be cool to say but I love Credit. Actually, I don’t care about credit but I do love helping Canadians navigate the Credit Game and Play to WIN!

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Your ability to WIN is a lot easier with a great team. Jenn Fowler is a Credit Expert and has been helping Canadians improve their credit since 2020. You may recognize Jessilyn from our podcast. When she isn’t working as a nurse or making fun of me on YouTube, she is helping to keep us organized.

The Credit Game - Book by Richard Moxley

The Credit Game

The Credit Game contains the insider secrets I have learned over the last decade helping thousands of Canadians understand and fix your credit. Stop being confused, embarrassed, or restricted because of your credit. Instead, look forward to how easy it is to play the game when you know all the rules!

Don’t miss out on learning how to play the Credit Game to win, and have some fun along the way!